The NS, or Name Server records of a domain name, reveal which servers handle the Domain Name System (DNS) records for it. Setting the name servers of a particular hosting provider for your domain is the easiest way to forward it to their system and all its sub-records will be handled on their end. This includes A (the IP address of the server/website), MX (mail server), TXT (free text), SRV (services), CNAME (forwarding), and so forth, so if you would like to edit any of these records, you are going to be able to do it by using their system. Put simply, the NS records of a domain show the DNS servers which are authoritative for it, so when you try to open a web address, the DNS servers are contacted to retrieve the DNS records of the domain name you want to access. This way the website you'll see will be retrieved from the proper location. The name servers usually have a prefix “ns” or “dns” and every single domain has at least two NS records. There's no sensible difference between the two prefixes, so which one a web hosting provider is going to use depends exclusively on their preference.

NS Records in Web Hosting

In case you register a domain name inside a web hosting account from our company, you're going to be able to manage its name servers effortlessly. This can be done using the Registered Domains section of the in-house built Hepsia website hosting Control Panel and with only a few clicks you will be able to update the NS records of a single one or even numerous domains simultaneously, which could save you a lot of time and efforts when you have a lot of domain addresses you want to redirect to a different service provider. You can enter many name servers depending on how many the other company offers you. Furthermore we enable you to set up private name servers for any domain name registered using our company and unlike many other providers we don't charge anything extra for this service. The new NS records can be used to redirect any other domain to the hosting platform of the company whose IPs you have used during the process, so each time you use our IPs in particular, all domain names added to the account on our end can use these name servers.