Varnish is a data caching platform, which is occasionally referred to as an HTTP reverse proxy. It’s a website accelerator that can accelerate the load speed of a site by up to one thousand percent, depending on its content. Every time a visitor accesses any page on a site that uses Varnish, the platform caches the page and delivers it instead of the web server if the visitor loads it again. Thus, the web browser request from the visitor is not handled by the server and the web page will load considerably faster, since the Varnish platform can serve information many times faster than any server software. The result will be a significantly faster loading website, which leads to an improved browsing experience. When any of the cached webpages is updated on the live Internet site, the information that Varnish stores in its memory is updated as well, so the users will never end up seeing outdated information.

Varnish in Web Hosting

You can unleash Varnish’s full potential and accelerate your websites’ loading speed irrespective of the web hosting plan that you’ve selected and you can enable and set up the platform with a few clicks of the mouse using the easy-to-use GUI offered by our avant-garde Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In the meantime, you will be able to select two different things – how many websites will use the Varnish platform, in other words – the number of instances, and how much info will be cached, i.e. the amount of memory. The latter is offered in increments of 32 MB and is not bound to the number of instances, so you can order more instances with less memory and the other way around. If you’ve got plenty of content on a particular site and you draw a lot of website visitors, more system memory will give you better results. You may also consider employing a dedicated IP address for the websites that will use the Varnish platform. The Hepsia Control Panel will offer you easy one-click controls for discontinuing or restarting any instance, for clearing the cache for each website and for checking in-depth logs.

Varnish in Dedicated Servers

You can employ Varnish to enhance the speed of any site that’s hosted on a dedicated server with our company when the Hepsia Control Panel is pre-installed on it. Not only will you get the data caching platform ready to be used at no additional cost, but you will also exert full control over it through Hepsia’s easy-to-work-with interface. It will take just a click to start or discontinue an instance or to delete the cached content associated with any website that is using Varnish and if you are more knowledgeable, you can also check the platform’s system logs. Varnish comes with at least 3 GB of memory for data caching purposes, so even if you run multiple Internet sites on your machine and they all use the Varnish caching platform, the improvement in their overall performance will be observable. You will simply need to wait for a little while till Varnish caches whatever web pages the site visitors load on their end. The platform works best when the sites use a dedicated IP, but since our servers come with three cost-free IPs, you will have everything you need.